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Monday, December 5, 2011

The Schooling at Home Environment and its Benefits to Children

By Bruno Franklin

Probably the best advantage for kids that learn at home is the tie that happens with the mom and dad and kids. During the time that the child is in school is when their character and opinions are created. There are other components that might influence the setting. Usually, when a student is supported and encouraged while they learn, they will have a stronger sense of worth. Unfortunately, most of the population will not experience that. Children can age into an adult that doesn't face a lessened self-esteem when they take that foundation and grow with it. Just those two assets are invaluable, most adults do not own those characteristics.

The popularity of schooling at home has caused an entire cottage industry to develop. This path is being followed by many families who are in a position to provide this alternative. To provide resources and support to parents and children, many organizations are beginning to form. As a source of enrichment, many classes are beginning to form outside of the home. Specific subjects are offered especially for school at home children. Social and sports activities are another valuable offering for these children.

Learning should include some independent work on the materials learned during a regular school day. That is just another expression for doing homework. But we all know that so many children ignore their homework for a variety of reasons. So as you can see the situation can be different when the teacher is the child's parent. If the homework is presented properly even the young child may delight in the fact that it's good for them. Where homework completion is concerned the fact is, the parent will know exactly how their child is performing. It is also possible for the home class to have time to complete homework assignments during the day.

No matter what type of school they are in, children still enjoy going on field trips. Throughout the school year these field trips aren't happening nearly enough for the average child. Imagine what it would do for your children for you to take advantage of field trips to help educate them at home which depends of course on where you live. If you live within a reasonable distance from a large city you will have access to museums. On the flip side, field trips can be taken just about anywhere and made into excellent learning outings in subjects like science, biology and nature just to name a few.

It can be fun and exciting to explore and learn as parent and child in a schooling at home environment. Because you have room for creativity in your child's education this is true for most. There really is no reason why everything needs to be taught in a classroom. If you make learning fun, or new and exciting your child's young mind becomes stimulated. That alone often leads children into a greater love of learning and a desire to be educated.

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