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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pop Music Unites The World

By Jack Wogan

The roots of pop music may be American, but today the world is spiritually united through the love for it. The language of music is the language of the spirit and it goes straight to the heart of the listeners.
The term popular culture or pop culture was used for the first time in England in the 19th century and it referred to the culture for the lower classes as separated from the educated classes who were classic music consumers. The 'culture for mass consumption' was originated in the USA by the end of the Second World War, while the abbreviation 'pop music' came from the 60s.

Going back to the 1926, the term 'pop song' was used for the first time and it referred to music with popular appeal. 'Pop music' as a term originated in Britain in the mid-50s as a description for rock and roll and the new styles. In the early 60s, there was a terminological competition between Beat music in England and pop music, but in the USA pop music overlapped with rock and roll.

Rock music was more elevated and creative, it aspired to authenticity and to an expanded use of the possibilities of popular music. Pop music was simpler, more commercial and more accessible. It aimed at material gains through large productions.

As a new current, it was addressed to the young people mainly. They were attracted by the simplicity of the songs and by the rhythm. Pop music is a distinct genre with influences from most other forms of popular music. It is often described as a softer alternative of rock and roll.

Pop music became an international culture due to the influence of the American and British industries and it was spread everywhere in the world, even in non-Western countries like Japan. But pop music was different in each region and country and it was highly influenced by the cultures of those areas. Eventually, each region and country had its specific pop music with its own characteristics. These local genres either existed on themselves, or coexisted with Western pop styles.

The pop music as a genre appeals to a general audience. It emphasizes on craftsmanship rather than on formal artistic shape. Pop producers prefer a large production of their songs for material benefits and they rely on technology. Pop music invites people to dancing with its lively beats and rhythms. The melodies are simple and easy to remember and the lyrics refer to love and romance.

It is not indeed possible to give a certain definition of pop music as it is on a continuous change, which lasts until today. Pop music includes influences from rock, hip hop, reggae, R&B, jazz, electronic and even folk music, and more other styles. Pop singers prefer to work in studios and use technology to get the sounds they want. The verses are simple, the melody is simple with an emphasis on the rhythm. Being so simple and repetitive, it was often criticized.

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