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Friday, February 29, 2008

In the rest of the lesson, I would like to tell you how to write from your personal experiences, and give you some ideas. If you are having trouble figuring out what to write about, don’t get frustrated. Start with ideas that you feel strongly about. Many amazing songs and lyrics can come from:

• a recent boyfriend/girlfriend break-up,

• a recent death in the family,

• moving away from home,

• a fight between you and your parents or a best friend,

• a divorce between your parents,

• or just feeling down.

Well, since I gave you some ideas to think about, now I’ll tell you how to write songs and lyrics based on your experience. This part is quite easy. First, clear your head of everything except that experience, whether it is good or bad. This should be easy to do, if you followed my advice and you’re alone in a comfortable room.
The next thing you want to do is start writing down everything you are feeling inside about your experience. Write down your emotion about it, what you think of it, why it makes you feel that way, and anything that pops into your head.
Doing this could even open your mind to feelings you didn’t realize you felt. That is why this is good to do when you’re under stress, it relieves a lot of negative feelings, even the ones stuck inside of you that you couldn’t see.

After a few or more pages, reread what you wrote down. Look at that sheet, and say hello to the rough draft of your song! Now all you have to do is put things together. Here is an example: