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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Singing Karaoke for Fun

By Cliff Odenkirk

Karaoke is usually pronounced 'care-E-O-key' and is commonly misspelled as 'kareoke', 'karioke', and 'karoke', among other misspellings. Karaoke is a word formed from putting two Japanese words together. Karaoke is a appropriately formed from two Japanese words and means "empty orchestra." Karaoke is a Japanese abbreviated compound word: "kara" comes from "karappo" meaning empty, and "oke" is the abbreviation of "okesutura," or orchestra.

Internationally, karaoke is a popular form of entertainment in which amateurs sing along to recorded instrumental versions of popular songs. This incredible popular entertainment originated about 30 years ago in the city of Kobe, one of the three biggest cities in Kansai, Japan. Karaoke machines were initially placed in restaurants and hotel lounges; soon, new businesses called karaoke boxes, with compartmented rooms, became popular.

Since its creation nearly thirty years ago, karaoke has been entertaining people. Karaoke has become firmly entrenched in Japanese society, not fading as many fads hae come and gone over the years. Karaoke is also being seen as entertainment for parties and company get togethers. Karaoke is both fun and affordable. While you can find very good singers performing karaoke, you do not have to be a great singer to participate. Karaoke is all about fun

Basic karaoke machines consists of a microphone, electronics that alter the pitch of the recorded music, and the audio output. Karaoke grew through the 90's. Some bars featured karaoke performances seven nights a week using higher-end sound equipment than the small, stand-alone machines owned by individuals. The selection of music has increased gratly and more and more people within the restaurant and nightclub industry see karaoke as a very profitable form of entertainment.

Karaoke Singing

It is relaxing to sing. It can take your cares and troubles away. It is also addicting and can become a fun way of life.some people. People are singing karaoke are enjoying themselves, but as a member of the audience you will be watching the good and the not so good.


Karaoke is great Friday night entertainment with your friends and a great way to practice your singing. If you're considering something different for your next get-together, consider owning your own karaoke machine. Always fun at parties, karaoke can make you a STAR at your next party. Karaoke makes you and your guests the stars of the show.

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