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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Keeping Your Energy Levels High For A Fun Party Experience

By Steve A. Bowman

So you are throwing a party at your place and you've coached your party hostess, there are quite a handful of people coming over soon, you need to gather those scattered wits, the dog wants a walk so he's trying to take a bite out of you and the pesky little baby has been screaming like a maniac. Help! Is there some tranquilizer lying around?

Hey, hey! Do you really want to walk in like a stressed out, exhausted salesperson? We don't think so. So, what's the solution? How about following these pre-party suggestions? These parties have stood the test of time and are sure to help you get there in the best of moods.

1. Clarify all the directions given to you by your hostess and make sure to double-check them online. This way you will know in advance where exactly you are going. Also, print out a list of reverse directions so that you do not have trouble getting home.

2. Do not make the mistake of waiting till the eleventh hour to pack your kit. Do it the before or on the morning of, your show and have it ready and waiting in the car to cut down on the last minute hassle. 

3. Do not make the mistake of waiting till the eleventh hour to pack your kit. Do it the before or on the morning of, your show and have it ready and waiting in the car to cut down on the last minute hassle. 

4. If you are a mother then cook two days' worth of meals on nights when you are not out working. Ask your spouse and/or oldest child to help out with the departure rush before you leave. If babysitters are needed for the kids then take the time to find at least two reliable sitters, because you never know when you might need to call for backup.

5. Music! Keep a CD of your favorite, upbeat numbers in the car so you can de-stress and relax on the way. This way you will arrive fresh and in a positive mood.

The whole point of these pre-party preparation tips is to keep you upbeat. So keep your attitude positive when going there because you want the guests to enjoy. And the more they enjoy the more of a success your home party will be!

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