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Monday, May 16, 2011

An Overview Of Music Composition Software

By Stacadam Joamoz

An orchestra is made up of different sections of instruments, and trying to write the score for that many parts could be very time consuming if it weren't for music composition software. Just push some buttons, assign instruments, choose a rhythm, and add some notes, then listen to your work.

Somewhere along the way, you might decide that it would sound nice to make key signature change. This is only a push of a button away, and the results could be played back so you can hear if it was the best thing to do. Sometimes things sound good in your head, but once they are on paper and played back, you realize they should have been done another way.

Since that change went so nicely, you consider making a change in the timing, and move to that stave and begin making alterations. Those bars are no longer three-quarter time, they've been changed to five-eights and you are listening to them, now.

Once in awhile, a person gets a flash of an idea that has nothing to do with a flash drive, but everything to do with a wild card change of several measures of a song. With the use of your computer you could suddenly change and entire stanza to staccato, and quickly listen to how it sounds.

The section for strings is where the violins and cellos are usually providing their mysterious charms, but in a stroke of brilliance you realize they could be shifted an octave higher. It doesn't take but a matter of seconds and they are there, but now playing counter-point to the trombones and brass.

Some people have a bit trouble with four part harmony, but there is little reason to spend that much time when you can push a button and have it done automatically. Then you can change any or all of the notes to achieve the exact mix, and electronics made it possible through music composition software.

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